Friday, July 31, 2009

A "Teaching Moment"

Small acts and omissions. These define us.

What we say about others when we think they cannot hear.

("Clinging to guns and religion...")

How we treat our social inferiors.

("Hold up sweetie...")

What we say to one person about another so to ingratiate ourselves with the first.

("....and, did I mention he's black?")

Now, back to the opening snap-shot. One of the people on the steps has class. One does not.


  1. That was the first thing I thought of when I saw this picture. One is a gentleman and the other thinks he is too good.

  2. Could someone kindly identify the individual @center please?
    It is possible there is more involved in that scene than meets the eye, which is a common condition in the higher realms of diplomacy and/or protocol.
